This is the Level Editor Help. This is a trouble shooting guide. Some questions may have more than one ways of doing things. For More Help, Click on the ╥?╙ button in the Tools Palette.
Common Questions:
Where are the stamps located?
The stamps are located in the tools palette in any of the three pop up menus on top.
How do I add a stamp to my level?
Select a stamp in one of the three pop up menus in the tools palette. Put the cursor over the image of the stamp in the tool palette and drag it into the map window.
How do I delete a stamp?
1.) Click on the stamp to select it and then press the delete key.
2.) Click on the stamp to select it and then click on the trash icon in the tools palette.
3.) Drag the stamp to the trash icon in the tools palette.
4.) Hold the command key and click on the stamp.
How do I duplicate a stamp?
Hold the option key and drag the stamp to a new location.
How do I move a stamp?
Click and drag the stamp to a new location.
How do I add custom stamps?
1.) Go to the third pop up menu down and select an item. When the open dialog opens, select an image of your choice then click OK. Drag the stamp into your level.
2.) Select...Options(Custom Walls...). Click on an item and click choose. When the open dialog opens, select an image of your choice and click OK. Then, go to the third pop up menu down and select the correct stamp. Drag the stamp into your level.
How do I delete a custom stamp?
Select...Options(Custom Walls...). Click on an item and click clear.
How do I change a custom stamp?
1.) Go to the third pop up menu down and select the correct stamp. Then click choose under the stamp image box(in the tool palette) and choose the image.
2.) Select...Options(Custom Walls...). Click on an item then click choose.
How do I add a boss?
Go to the first pop up menu and select ╥Boss Enemy╙. Choose the picture.
HINT: To make the boss stronger surround it with enemies with the speed of ╥0╙ and make it shoot by putting enemies under the boss with the same speed.
How do I change the boss' stamp?
Go to the first pop up menu and select ╥Boss Enemy╙. Then click choose under the stamp image box(in the tool palette) and choose the picture.
How do I add a background to my level?
Select...Options(Background...). Click choose and select a picture.
How do I add music to my level?
Select...Options(Level Music...). Select a music from the pop up menu. Click on test to test the music.
How do I add a picture that would be shown after the level is completed?
Select...Options(Completion Picture...). Click choose and select a picture.
How do I add a picture that would be shown after the level is completed?
Select...Options(Completion Picture...). Click choose and select a picture.
How do I restore all the stamps that I deleted ever since the last time I opened?
Click Restore under the trash icon in the tools palette.
How do I make an object bounce off other objects?
In the Tools palette check bounce.
How do I make an object shoot side swoops?
In the Tools palette check Side Swoop.
How do I make an object shoot faster or slower?
In the Tools palette change the Gun Speed to a desired number.
How do I make an object shoot?
In the Tools palette change the Gun pop up menu.
What does H Speed mean?
It means horizontal speed or the speed it moves at going left.
What does V Speed mean?
It means vertical speed or the speed it moves at going up or down.
What does V Distance mean?
It means vertical distance or the distance it moves before changing direction.
How do I make an object move until it hits the edge of the game and then changes direction?
In the Tools palette change the V Distance to ╥-1╙.
How do I make an object start moving at a direction when it comes out?
In the Tools palette change the Direction to Up, down, or Random.
How do I make an object go through all objects when it runs through another?